- One of Kind Witchcraft kit made by witches for witches, inside this Witch box you will find everything you need to either start your witch journey for beginners or to take your practice to the next level. Complement your Wiccan Altar with this Witchcraft kit which comes with 236 Wiccan Supplies and tools. Plus, two wood boxes with lock and keys to keep your witchcraft supplies and tools secure.
- Massive Witchcraft Kit with 60 Wiccan Herbs for a complete apothecary kit, the Wiccan Herbs you will find are: Chamomile, Rosemary, Burdock, Rose Petals, Calendula, Lavender and many more.
- Many witch supplies and tools such as: Book of Shadows and Book of Mirrors, Black Scrying mirror, Witches Black Salt for Protection (Handmade), Tarot Deck. Pendulums, Altar Table, Witchy Witch Wand, Wiccan Greenman Goblet, Witch iron Cauldron, and Athame.
- A set of Witchcraft Oils Kit. A Crystals Set for Witchcraft with Selenite Sphere/Ball, Amethyst Cluster, Citrine Cluster, Moonstone, Sunstone, Sodalite, Obsidian, Hematite, Aventurine, Chalcopyrite. Also, a set of witchcraft metals, includes a bottle of Gold and Silver Flakes, and a copper piece. Additionally, altar tiles, a crescent moon necklace for protection.
- Decorate your alter room with the triquetra windchime and all the altar supplies inside this Witch kit box. Great for a starter Witch and/or more advanced witches.
- Wiccan Kit includes a set of informational cards for metals, crystals and candle color correpsondences. As well as, pendulum board and a RWD Tarot Deck with instructional booklet.
- Huge Witchcraft Kit, a complete witch starter kit which includes 116 witchcraft supplies and tools for your practice. You will receive a complete herbalism kit of 60 Wicca witchcraft herbs. Your spell kits for witches will be complete with this huge witchcraft altar kit.